"...ignoring this RNA landscape is like walking blindfolded into a beautiful wilderness." Joan Steitz, (2015)

Upon the completion of the ENCODE project, discoveries of RNA function beyond serving as a messenger for protein synthesis have challenged the central dogma of molecular biology and reinvigorated interest in therapeutic targeting of this molecule. I was eager to be part of this "RNA revolution" by joining the group of Prof. Amanda Hargrove at Duke. My research focused on understanding the function and dynamics of a triple helix structure that is essential for the accumulation of a cancer-related long non-coding RNA MALAT-1 by leveraging the power of small molecules. My work in designing and synthesizing small molecule libraries led to the discovery of first MALAT-1-binding ligands. Furthermore, my efforts towards developing screening assays for this target will contribute towards establishing a general set of strategies for the targeting of elusive and disease-relevant long non-coding RNA structures.

At the same time, I was interested in understanding fundamental principles of RNA recognition that can lead to general guidelines for RNA targeting and be leveraged for drug discovery. To this end, I have contributed to the curation and cheminformatic analyses of the first database of bioactive RNA-binding ligands, R-BIND, and I led efforts towards updating the content and features of the database to ensure that the scientific community can reap maximum benefits from this work.

In my postdoctoral studies in the group of Prof. Cliff Brangwynne at Princeton, I am eager to tackle RNA-targeted probe and drug discovery from a different angle: profiling intracellular condensates via microscopically visible and disease-relevant phenotypes. Towards this goal, I developed novel automated screening platforms paired with machine learning algorithms that can be leveraged for characterizing mechanisms of action of anticancer therapeutics.


Nakon završetka ENCODE projekta, otkrića RNK funkcija pored one prihvaćene gdje služi kao kurir za sintezu proteina su izazvale centralnu dogmu molekularne biologije i ponovo ojačale interes u ovu molekulu kao metu za tretmane bolesti. Željela sam biti dio ove "RNK revolucije" i pridružila sam se grupi Prof. Amande Hargrove na Duke Univerzitetu. Moja istraživanja su se fokusirala na razumijevanje funkcije i dinamike strukture trostrukog heliksa, koji je esencijalan za gomilanje kancerogene, duge nekodirajuće RNK molekule MALAT-1, koristeći moć malih organskih spojeva. Moj rad u dizajniranju i sintezi ovih spojeva je doveo do otkrića prvih inhibitora za MALAT-1 RNK. Takodjer, moj trud prema razvitku testova za identifikovanje inhibitora za ovu molekulu će doprinjeti ka ostvarenju generalnih strategija za inhibiranje manje znanih struktura u dugim, nekodirajućim RNK molekulama.

Istovremeno sam zainteresovana za razumijevanje osnovnih principa raspoznavanja RNK molekula, što će omogućiti identifikaciju općih smijernica za otkriće novih lijekova. Ka ovom cilju sam prisustvovala u kuriranju i heminformatičkoj analizi prve baze podataka sa biološki aktivnim RNK inhibitorima,"R-BIND" , i trenutno radim na ažuriranju sadržaja i karakteristika ove baze podataka kako bi bila od najveće moguće koristi naučnoj zajednici.

Naposlijetku, imam interes za razvijanje alatki koje mogu omogućiti izučavanje ćelijskih procesa u kojima RNK molekule imaju važne uloge, jer je moguće da kroz taj proces identifikujemo nove RNK mete za terapeutske intervencije. Prema ostvarenju ovog cilja, započela sam postdoktoralna istraživanja u grupi Prof. Cliff Brangwynne-a na Princeton-u gdje izučavam uloge RNK molekula povezanim sa bolestima u ćelijama.
