Mentoring, Outreach, & Teaching
My favorite parts of my scientific training experience have been opportunities where I got to share my love and knowledge of science with others. Whether it was through mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in the lab, teaching assistantships and guest lectures, organizing symposia or science outreach events - these experiences have enriched my scientific journey and further added to my passion to pursue my research interests. More importantly, these experiences have enabled me to inspire others to consider a career in this rewarding area and break stereotypes of what a scientist looks like, which is why I particularly enjoyed working with students from underprivileged backgrounds.
To date, I have formally mentored over ten students, who have completed honors theses, presented their research at various conferences, and were the recipients of several awards and fellowships. As the Chair of Duke University Graduate Chemistry Council Outreach, I participated in and organized events such as the Duke Summer Action Camp for Young Women, Science Under the Stars, Alumni Weekend, Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering and Science (FEMMES) , and North Carolina DNA Day. I was also a founding member and organizer of the first interdepartmental Chemical Biology Journal Club and an active member of Duke’s Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) group. At Princeton, I organize a biweekly seminar series Phase Group and co-organize the Rutgers-Princeton Biomolecular Condensates Day. In these roles, I am committed towards considering diversity when inviting presenters as well as encouraging self-nominations of trainees from underrepresented groups in sciences.
Mentorstvo, Volonterski Rad, i Nastava
Moja najdraža iskustva sa doktorskih studija su bile prilike u kojima sam mogla podijeliti moju ljubav i znanje o hemiji sa drugima. Bilo to kroz mentorstvo učenika na diplomskim i doktorskim studijama u Hargrove laboratoriji, radeći kao asistent za nastavu na Duke-u, ili kroz volonterske dogadjaje - ova iskustva su mi pomogla da postanem bolji naučnik i komunikator. Što je još važnije, ova iskustva su mi omogućila da inspirišem druge da razmotre karijeru u nauci i razbijem stereotipe o izgledu naučnika. Zbog toga sam posebno uživala radeći sa manje zastupljenim grupama i ženama u naukama.
Do danas sam formalno savjetovala sedam učenika na dodiplomskim i dva na doktorskim studijima, koji su završili četiri diplomska rada, prezentovali svoja istraživanja na raznim konferencijama, i primili razne nagrade i stipendije. Kao predsjednica volonterskog rada za doktorski odjel hemije na Duke-u, prisustvovala sam i organizovala dogadjaje kao što su Duke Summer Action Camp for Young Women, Science Under the Stars, Alumni Weekend, Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering and Science (FEMMES) , i North Carolina DNA Day. Takodjer sam jedna od osnivača i organizatora prvog žurnalskog kluba za hemijsku biologiju i bila sam aktivna članica Duke-ove grupe za žene u nauci i inžinjerstvu ( Women in Science and Engineering).